Flooding Information
To learn more about your risk, what to do to protect your property, before, during, and after a flood, and how to purchase flood insurance, you can call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-427-2419 or visit http://www.floodsmart.gov.
You can also get information about flood insurance and disaster preparedness by calling the Department of Insurance toll free at 1-877-881-6388 or visiting their web-site at http://www.insurance.state.pa.us for on-line brochures on flood insurance and what to do if there is a disaster.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Anywhere it can rain, it can flood
We all live with the risk of flood damage to our property. Learn more details about your home’s level of flood risk, including the type of flood zone it is in, and if available the potential flood elevation (referred to as the “base flood elevation” on a flood map).
Do not dump or throw anything into the channels or drainage ways. Even grass clippings and branches can accumulate and plug channels. A plugged channel cannot carry water and when it rains the water has to go somewhere. Every piece of trash contributes to flooding.
You can do your part in helping the drainage system work. Sweep or pick up your gutters to prevent blockages in the storm sewers. Pick up trash and fallen branches in the ditches.
If you see dumping or debris in the channels or drainage ways, contact the office (814)476-1691.
Always check with the Zoning Officer before you build on, alter, regrade, or fill on your property. A permit may be needed to ensure that projects do not cause problems on other properties.
Keep catch basins clear of debris